Infertility Treatment in Ayurveda

As per Ayurveda, infertility is a condition of not being able to contribute to conception because of biological inabilities, or the inability to carry out a pregnancy. This could occur due to several factors such as high stress-levels, poor dietary choices, sedentary lifestyle, pollution, mental instability, age-related factors, tubal factors, PCOD, endometriosis, etc. These factors create a dosha imbalance (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in the body. Infertility is not a root-cause but a symptom of some other disorder within the body. Ayurveda infertility treatments focus on curing the root cause, thus regaining the balance between the doshas and healing the body from within.

Infertility in Males

There are several causes for infertility in males. Some possible reasons are discussed as follows:

-        Bijaupa Tapa: Congenital abnormalities or bijaupa tapa is the abnormality of gametes, which can lead to developmental and structural disorders of the reproductive system. 

-        Shukra Dosha: Diseases of sperm or shukra dosha is also known as seminal morbidity. The several factors causing it are dietary choices, where there is consumption of dry, oily, and fatty food in excess; behavioural factors such as sexual abuse, excess bodily exertion, absolute abstinence from sex, or untimely sexual union, sleeping late; and psychological factors such as excessive stress, lack of mutual love, anger, grief, and so on. 

-        Klaibya: Male sexual dysfunctions or klaibya can occur due to excessive indulgence in sex, old age, exhaustion of sperms, diseases like diabetes, etc. 

Infertility in Females

Female infertility is getting more and more common in today's day and age. Several causes for it are described as follows:

-        Ovulation disorders: Disorders that prevent the release of eggs from the ovaries fall under this category. PCOD, Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism (abnormal production of thyroid), and Hyperprolactinemia (abnormal production of milk producing hormone, prolactin) are some common disorders. 

-        Uterine or cervical abnormalities: These include polyps in the uterus, abnormal uterus shape or the cervix. These can lead to fallopian tube blockage, or formation of benign tumors in the uterine walls. 

-        Endometriosis: This happens when the endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, and it leads to the dysfunction of ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. 

Infertility Treatment Principles in Ayurveda

The treatment of infertility in ayurveda is based on three principles: Agni deepana and Ama pachana, Vata Anulomana, and Sodhana. 

-        Agni deepana and ama pachana: This is the imbalance between the formation of ama (toxins produced due to undigested food) and agni (strength of digestion). Therefore, treatment of ama and agni are absolutely important. Use of digestive and carminative medicines along with strict routines for eating are done to correct the agni within the body. 

-        Vata Anulomana: This method is used to correct the imbalance of vata within the body, thus curing infertility. A combination of medicines, yoga and a strict diet schedule is followed in the same. 

-        Sodhana: This is essentially the removal of toxins from the body through various techniques such as Virechana, Vamana, Vasti, Uttara Vasti delivered through urethral or vaginal pathways. Prior to this, an effective sneh-swedas (excessive sweating)is performed. 

These therapies have been proven to help with ovarian, tubular and uterine disorders, leading to cure of infertility. 

Here, at Indian Vaidyas, one of the best infertility Ayurveda clinics in Haridwar, we aim to provide a holistic solution to our patients as per their individual bodily requirements. We don't follow a one-size fits all routine when it comes to the wellbeing of our patients. We provide a range of therapies and treatments to treat infertility issues in both men and women, and help them achieve their beautiful dream of having a family.


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