How to Reverse Prediabetes Permanently With Ayurveda

Prediabetes is a condition where your blood glucose level is higher than the normal range but not elevated enough to be classified as diabetes. But if it is unattended for a long time, there is a great possibility that you can develop type 2 diabetes. 

If wondering how to reverse prediabetes naturally without any side effects, Ayurveda has the solution for all of your issues. Read further to know the symptoms and effective suggestions that are shared by Ayurveda experts.


Symptoms of Prediabetes


Following are some of the warning symptoms that indicate that you may have prediabetes.


·       Excessive thirst

·       Increased hunger

·       Increased urination

·       Tingling in the hands or feet

·       Fatigue

·       Slow healing wounds

·       Sudden weight loss


Ayurvedic Tips to Manage Prediabetes

Prediabetes is the result of a sedentary lifestyle. You might not even require medicine to help lower your blood sugar level at this early stage. But with some changes in your dietary habits and following a holistic lifestyle, you can easily reverse Prediabetes with Ayurveda.


Follow these below-listed tips to cure prediabetes and live a disease-free life.


Stay from white sugar:  White sugar is just empty calories with no nutritional content. While natural sugars obtained from jaggery, honey or fruits can still be consumed moderately, white sugar is a complete NO-NO. You should cut down on junk foods, excessive sweet items, and deep-fried foods to manage prediabetes.


Eat a clean and nutritious diet: Have a balanced diet with fewer carbohydrates and a high amount of fibre and proteins. Instated of simple carbs like white Rice, Maida, add more complex carbohydrates like Quinoa, Barley, Dalia, Buckwheat, and Oats to your diet. Include protein-rich foods like Lentils, Beans, Paneeretc to your diet as protein helps to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates in the body. Stay away from foods that are high in glycemic index.


Exercise regularly to manage weight: Working out daily stimulates your pancreas to produce insulin hormone that helps control blood sugar levels. Exercising or doing yoga regularly for 30-40 minutes is one of the best effective ways to reverse prediabetes naturally, as per the best Ayurvedic doctor in Lucknow. Pre-diabetics must stay active to improve metabolism and manage weight.


Have 7-8 hours of sound sleep: To reverse prediabetes, one should hit the bed early and sleep at least for7 hours peacefully. Sound sleep is the most effective way to boost your immunity, manage stress, reduce inflammation and improve hormonal disorders.


Finish dinner early: Make it your habit to finish your dinner at least three hours before your bedtime as it helps to detoxify your liver. If you are unable to finish diver early, try to make dinner the lightest meal of your day. Always keep a gap of 3-4 hours between your main meals.  


Take turmeric amla daily: When it comes to reversing prediabetes naturally, turmeric amla mixture can be an effective natural remedy, suggests the best Ayurveda doctor in Lucknow. Mix an equal quantity of Amla powder and Turmeric and take one teaspoon of this powder with warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. It helps reduce insulin resistance and boosts overall immunity. You can also take Triphalachurna, Cinnamon powder and soaked Fenugreek seeds daily to help manage prediabetes.


Ayurvedic Techniques to Help Reverse Prediabetes

Incorporating some good changes in your lifestyle and dietary habits, you can control prediabetes for sure. However, by analysing the severity and root cause of this metabolic disorder, Ayurveda doctor may advise you on some Ayurvedic therapies or massages including Panchakarma, Shirodhara etc to help you reverse prediabetes naturally.


 By detoxifying your body internally and relaxing your mind, these therapies reduce stress which is one of the main reasons for developing diabetes. These procedures are only performed by experts at good Ayurveda clinic in Lucknow.


Do’s to Control Prediabetes


·       Stop smoking

·       Cut down on alcohol

·       Avoid junk food or fried food

·       Be active to manage weight

·       Drink sufficient water

·       Keep your mind stress free


From information about the best Ayurveda experts in your area, booking their appointment to finding some good Ayurvedic clinic in Lucknow that offer treatments at cost-effective rates, you can get everything on Indianvaidyas.


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