Effective Monsoon Hair Care Tips from Ayurveda

Effective Monsoon Hair Care Tips from Ayurveda

When it comes to Monsoon Hair Care, you might be wondering what you can do. Luckily, this article has got you covered with some effective Monsoon hair care tips from Ayurveda which will help your hair stay healthy and looking healthy in Monsoon season.

If you are looking for tips on how to care for your hair during the monsoon season, look no further than Ayurveda. Here are a few tips that can help you keep your hair healthy and hydrated during the hot and humid weather:

1. Follow a routine: Make sure to stick to a consistent hair care routine to help keep your hair healthy and hydrated. This will help to prevent dryness and breakage, which can occur during the monsoon season.

2. Use oils and balms: Add a few drops of oil or balm to your conditioner to help keep your hair moisturized and protected from humidity. These products can also help reduce fizziness and tame flyaway.

3. Avoid excess heat: Don’t put too much heat on your hair during the monsoon season. This can cause damage, leading to dryness and breakage. Instead, try using cool water or light conditioning treatments instead.

4. Keep your hair dry: You hair is weakest when it’s in damp condition. To prevent hair fall in monsoon, keep your hair and scalp dry during monsoon. If your hair is wet, do not tie it and let your loose hair get air-dried naturally.

5. Eat balanced diet: To keep your doshas balanced during monsoon, it’s important to stay away from junk and oily food. Take a healthy diet rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals and proteins. To know the foods based on your Ayurveda prakriti, you should consult a good Ayurveda doctor in Lucknow. Consume enough water, at least 3-4 litters in a day to keep yourself hydrated.

6. Use herbal hair products: Hair care products made with extracts from plants and herbs, which are known to improve the health of the hair and scalp. Herbal shampoos are also less likely to cause irritation or dryness, making them a good choice for those with sensitive skin.

How to Wash Your Head in Monsoon

How to Wash Your Head in Monsoon

When it comes to hair care during monsoon, there are a few tips that you can keep in mind. To wash your hair in monsoon, try to use cool water instead of hot water. Hot water can strip the hair of its natural oils, which can lead to dryness and frizziness. Additionally, avoid using harsh chemicals on your hair. Monsoon is a time when your hair is more susceptible to damage from harsh chemicals. Instead, rely on natural remedies such as shampoo and conditioner made from herbs and spices. Finally, keep your head covered when it's raining so that the rain doesn't get into your hair and cause damage.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your hair stays healthy and hydrated during the monsoon season. If still you are facing hair related problems like hair fall, dandruff, itching etc. during monsoon, get your checked by a certified Ayurvedic Trichologist Doctor.


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