Ayurvedic Dinacharya Ritual: Your guide to restore good health

The word "Dinacharya" is a Sanskrit term that literally translates to "daily regimen." In Ayurvedic practices, Dinacharya is a set of daily health-related tasks or practices that are done for the purpose of maintaining one's general well-being. Following is some of the general Ayurvedic practices that can be implemented in your daily ritual to improve your overall wellbeing.

Wake up before sunrise:

The first step in following a Dinacharya is to wake up at Brahma Muhurta, which is one hour before sunrise. During this time, it is said that the mind and body are both fresh and the energy levels are high. This is the perfect time to start your day with some self-care rituals.

Rinse face with water:

Rinse your face and hand with cold water. You should also practice a widely used Ayurvedic technique known as "Jalneti," which is effective in cleansing your sinuses, nasal passages, and mouth with a device like a tea kettle.

Drink a glass of hot water:

Though most people prefer to start their day with caffeine in the morning, Ayurveda recommends the consumption of a glass of warm water in empty stomach to be healthy. After you wake up, drink a glass of warm water with lemon to help flush out toxins from your system.

Self-massage or self-abhyanga :

Self-massage or self-abhyanga with oil is a key part of the ritual, as it helps to improve circulation and promote relaxation. It is the practice of pampering the body with warm essential or natural oil which has multitude if benefits. Th advantages of self-abhyanga are as follows:

Nourishes skin

Tones the tissues of the body.

Restores the nervous and musculoskeletal systems

Tongue scrapping and brushing:

Brushing teeth and scrapping your tongue before eating anything is a pivotal part of Ayurvedic Dincharya. Tongue scrapping is a complementary practice of brushing, flossing and mouth washing. Use a copper made tongue cleaner that removes bacteria from the surface of the tongue.

Oil pulling:

Oil pulling is a widely used ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in you mouth for 10-20 minutes. Oil pulling may reduce bacteria formation in mouth, prevents tooth decay and gingivitis.

Yoga and meditation:

Yoga has been an integral part of the Ayurvedic lifestyle. Practicing yoga/mediation or any other form of workout helps increase strength, boosts flexibility and promotes emotional wellbeing.

The specific practices of the Dinacharya ritual can vary depending on the individual's needs, but the goal is always to promote balance and wellbeing. If want to more about personalized Dinacharya routine from an expert in this field, book an appointment with a good ayurveda doctor in country.



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