Garbh Sanskar: The Ancient Process Educating Unborn Baby into Womb


Garbh-Sanskar" is made up of two words -"Garbha" meaning womb and "Sanskar" which is an education or training. It is the ancient and Ayurvedic practice of antenatal care which influences the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual development of the baby in the womb. 



What is Grabh Sanskar?


Garbh Sanskar is an ancient process of educating unborn baby in womb. The main aim of Garbh Sanskar is to create a healthy and balanced mind, body and soul for the baby.


Garbh Sanskar helps to achieve this by teaching various techniques like meditation, listening to mantras, reading positive affirmations aloud, communicating with your baby, performing spiritual activities like pujas, massaging bump, breathing exercises, positive thinking, etc. These techniques help to calm the mind and body of the mother and create an enriching environment for the baby in womb.


Garbh Sanskar is not only about creating a healthy physical body for the child but also about developing his/her mental and spiritual faculties.


Various mantras (sacred chants) are recited during Garbh Sanskar which helps to create a positive vibration around the baby. This vibration helps in the overall development of the child – physically, mentally as well as spiritually.


Benefits of Garbh Sanskar


There are various goals of Garbh Sanskar, but the main goal is to educate the unborn baby in the womb. By doing this, it is believed that the baby will be born with all the knowledge and wisdom of the world.


There are many benefits of Garbh Sanskar, including improved health and development for the child. Garbh Sanskar can help to improve the immune system, increase IQ and memory, and reduce the risk of birth defects. It can also help to ease lab or pain and prevent postnatal depression.


Garbh Sanskar has been shown to improve the health of both mother and child. Studies have shown that mothers who practice Garbh Sanskar have lower rates of postpartum depression, anxiety, and stress. They also have higher levels of oxytocin, the bonding hormone.


Children of mothers who practice Garbh Sanskar have also been shown to be healthier. They have higher birth weights, stronger immune systems, and less colic and allergies.


Garbh Sanskar can also help to increase bonding between mother and child. This is because the practice helps to create a more positive birth experience for both mother and child. This can lead to deeper attachment and stronger bonds between them.


It is believed that the thoughts and emotions of the mother during pregnancy have a direct impact on the development of the child. Therefore, it is important for the mother to be happy and stress-free during pregnancy. Whether you are looking to create an enriching environment for your baby in the womb or just want to focus on fostering an eternal bond between the mother and the child Garbh Sanskar is the ultimate resort for you.




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