The Third Eye: Importance of Ayurveda Perspective in healthcare

Ayurveda Perspective

Ayurveda is a mix of two Sanskrit terms known as Ayu (long life) and ved (information). Ayurveda has been practiced in India for the last 5000 years, and the importance of Ayurveda is continuously surging. While in older times, diseases were cured with the help of potent Ayurveda herbs, nowadays the Ayurveda doctor in Bareilly take a modern approach and suggest lifestyle modification, diet, yoga along with natural medicines.

Foundation of Ayurveda: With time Ayurveda is gradually evolving. The basis of Ayurveda’s foundation can be traced in various ancient books such as Junior Triad and Senior Triad. Now it has grown into an exceedingly sophisticated and focused system of medicine in healthcare that may include paediatrics, surgical procedure, psychotherapy, internal medicine, geriatrics, aphrodisiacs, the latest allopathic medicines, and eugenics, among others.

Definition of Constitution or Prakriti: The idea of the constitution, also known as Prakriti, plays a key role in Ayurveda treatment as a cure is decided according to the patient’s constitution. Every patient’s constitution is decided based on tridosha analysis consisting of vata, pitta, and kapha. Ayurveda has emerged as a vast healthcare system that remains consistent with the latest science.

Different types of Prakritis: A person with Vata Prakriti has low body weight and has a light bone shape. The person is passionate, quick, shy, forgetful, artistic, and sensitive. He/she remains vulnerable to rheumatism, constipation, dry skin, nervous disorder, etc. Other health problems may also impact infertility, poor bones, impotence, etc.

Meanwhile, a person with Kapha Prakriti has a heavy bodyweight, strong body shape, safe feeling, confidence, and laziness. He likes others to work for him, sleeps too frequently, and is full of patience, politeness, and greed. These people may suffer from nausea, lung or breast cancer, stones in the kidney, dropsy, digestion woes, obesity, and fungal infection. Lastly, the pitta Prakriti individual falls between Vata and Kapha Prakriti. 

The person has strong muscles, a healthy body, effective metabolism, a strong interest in physical activities, etc. The person is gifted with strong communication abilities, prone to baldness, wonderful memory, etc. Diseases like stomach cancer, ulcer, psoriasis, UTI infection, and heartburn may affect the person.

The perspective of Ayurveda in healthcare: Ayurveda considers health as a complicated relationship between body and mind. According to Ayurveda, a person’s health can be described as a state of mind under which the functioning and parameters in tridosha also known as Vata, pitta, and Kapha, exist in perfect harmony with each other.

In Ayurveda, everything from medicine, diet, mental, physical, and emotional happenings, and seasons are explained and comprehended concerning the changes they bring to the dosha.

Ayurveda’s approach to cure: Ayurveda has given synonyms for the word Chikitsa. After analyzing the root cause of a patient’s illness, the Ayurvedic doctors in Bareilly sketch a treatment plan to maintain the equilibrium of several body functions in such a manner that it proves beneficial for patients without weakening them. 

In Ayurveda, recognizing the illness-causing dosha is the first and foremost step. After this, the treatment is designed for the patient to re-establish the unbalanced functioning with the help of several therapies that may include medicine, the medical process is also known as panchakarma, and finally, diet. There are many Ayurveda doctor in Bareilly that offer holistic therapies like Pacharkrma, Nasya, Shirodhara, etc at cost-effective charges to reinstate the complex dosha and restorehealth naturally.

For instance, if a person is suffering from osteoarthritis or Vata disorder, the whole cure will focus on bringing down the increased Vata (especially the dryness parameter). The therapy will include Vata lessening medicines, measures like medicated oil application followed by diet and lifestyle actions. The popularity of Ayurveda therapy continues to rise significantly amid its potential benefits.


Therefore, we may conclude here that Ayurveda has the potential of playing a significant role in healthcare. Ayurvedic healthcare may gain massive significance in the current difficult times. Whether you are suffering from joint pains, insomnia, or depression, you can contact Ayurvedic Clinic in Bareilly to get rid of ailments and start your journey toward a healthy life. 


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